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MGT 460 Term Paper Part 1

Term paper

Q Term Paper Part # 1 Content Structure Criteria • Prepare a paper analyzing Starbucks Corporation (SBUX) in prior to and during the pandemic. • Add sites as noted to build your research base. • Apply the material found in Chapters 1 thru 6 from the text in your analysis of the following: ? Company Mission and Critique o State the mission and evaluate its completeness ? Outside Stakeholder Groups o Describe the actual or hypothetical claims of 2 advocacy groups and how the company is or could reconcile the claims with their corporate strategy ? Corporate Social Responsibility o Identify the Long-Term Mission and Describe how they Leverage Core Capabilities to Achieve the Mission ? External Environment o Rank the Remote Environment Factors in Order of Importance o Describe your Basis for this Ranking of Remote Environment Factors o Identify your number one Competitive Force Shaping Strategy and Defend Your Choice o Identify their U.S. Market and Market Position o Describe the Strategy of Existing Rivals to Gain Market Share in the U.S. o Critique this Strategy of Existing Rivals to Gain Market Share in the U.S. ? Global Environment o Identify their Markets and Market Positions Outside of the U.S. o Describe their Strategic Orientation in the Global Market o Describe their Competitive Strategies in the Global Market o Critique these Competitive Strategies to Gain Market Entry ? Internal Analysis o Create a SWOT Analysis for the company (limit to 5 items @ letter) o What key competitive factors do you identify in the Value Chain Analysis o Describe the competitive value of their Core Competencies o Critique the competitive value of their Tangible Assets o Critique the competitive value of their Intangible Assets o Critique the competitive value of their Organizational Capabilities o Show an annual 2020 vs. 2019 Revenue and Net Profit Comparison o Show an annual 2020 vs. 2019 U.S. Market Share comparison (top 3 competitors) o Identify their stage in the Life Cycle and Describe Why you believe this o Identify the Success Factors in the Industry and Critique their current and future ability to achieve these REQUIRED: Prepare a report applying each of the above criteria to Starbucks Corporation. Be specific and current in your reporting of each of the criteria. Prepare your report with college level English in a proper sentence structure and paragraph format. Follow APA guidelines. Outlines are not acceptable as a report format for this assignment. Include a cover sheet and a reference page. Add a minimum of 7 sites to your text (1), latest annual 10K report (1), and latest CSR (1) sources so that you will have at least 10 sources for your research. Use APA formatting for your citations. Show your citations in the body of the paper as you write. Remember to show your name on your paper. All citation and reference sources must be noted on the reference page. All quotes must be in quotations with the last name of the author in parentheses immediately following the quote. Prepare your paper using Times New Roman number 12 fonts and double spaced format with a minimum of 1700 words. Submit this paper in Canvas in Microsoft Word only and include all assignment materials in one file (ie, cover page, content, reference page). Name your file “your last name – MGT 460 Term Paper Part # 1”. This assignment is due by 11:59PM (CT) as noted on the syllabus. Papers submitted within 24 hours after the due date and exact time will drop a full letter grade level before grading begins. This assignment will not be accepted after 1 day following the due date and time stated above. Remember this is to be submitted in Canvas only.

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Introduction The following report will be on the analysis of Starbucks Corporation. This is because it is important to identify the differences between the condition of operations before and during the pandemic situation. It is also important to identify the differences between the margin of profitability before and during the pandemic situation. The changing situations of the target market before and during the pandemic are also important to be identified. Company Mission and Critique The mission of Starbucks Corporation is to ensure that there can be the human spirit satisfied, nurtured as well as inspired with the cup of coffee provided by Starbucks Corporation ( The target market is to capture the minds and hearts of specific neighborhoods in the area of operations so that every customer from the targeted neighborhood can enjoy and be satisfied with every cup of coffee consumed by the customer. The availability of customized flavors of coffee to every customer of Starbucks is something which makes customers show brand-loyalty. The completeness of the mission of Starbucks can be identified because of the ways in which the spirit of every customer is targeted to be satiated (Pearce et al., 2015). The body, mind as well as the spirit are equally important to be satisfied by provision of products to be consumed by customers to become psychologically satisfied. Therefore, the obtainment of brand-loyalty from customers by providing customized coffee products is an effective combination for including most wanted options for every customer (Pearce et al., 2015). The purpose of Starbucks has been clearly mentioned without exaggeration. The mission of Starbucks has remained unchanged before and during the pandemic situation. Outside Stakeholder Groups As You Sow (Oakland, CA) is an advocacy group which has made the claim of ensuring that sustainability of the global environment is achieved by elimination of plastic materials from different organizations ( This is because the natural resources of the environment are being exhausted along with enhancement of existing levels of pollution by producing and recycling of plastic materials by global organizations. There is reconciliation of Starbucks with the claims made by As You Sow by ensuring that plastic straws are eliminated as much as possible and even completely ( The elimination of plastic straws by Starbucks implies that there will be decrease in the existing levels of pollution in the environment because of production and recycling of plastic materials. Moreover, the natural resources of the environment can be preserved as much as possible.